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the 10th Anniversary of IEPP - Laxman Prasad Ghimire
IEPP 관리자
2020.11.03 03:11

First of all, I would like to congratulate all IEPP family for 10 years long successful completion of program. I feel much honored to be a member of IEPP family. I believe future days of IEPP will be more brightened and strengthened with applying learning experiences of 10 years.

Let me start, how the IEPP changed my career path. Once I was informed about IEPP, I was decided to apply for Master Degree in 2013. I was luckily selected for the Master candidate for year 2014. I must say two years’ time that I spent in SNU with IEPP family was very precious in terms of my learning, and exploring in energy sector. I still remember the golden days with IEPP family, energy company visits, and excellent lecture from very renowned professors. I have to say the IEPP is in not only covers study but also explores may more practical experiences of pressing energy issues and climate changes. IEPP brought us from different countries’ energy experiences and issues in one place which in turn enhanced our understanding in different era of the energy. At the same time, IEPP always encouraged us to share and learn diversified culture that we have globally. Generous friends from different countries helped in many ways.

I was also got chance to be the President of IEPP Alumni Associations which helped to be connected past alumni friends. I must provide my sincere thanks to all Professors (Professor Heo, Professor Kim, and Professor Boo), Miss Jooyoung and other our beloved students and past alumni members. Despite the regular study, I tried my best to enhance the alumni network and some networking activities. I must be truly say that my leadership capability also has amplified due to alumni presidential role.  My IEPP life also continued when I joined my Ph.D. in SNU in 2017. Even though I was not IEEP for my Ph.D, I never got chance to think that I am out of IEPP. IEPP family always encouraged me to join each activity of IEPP. IEPP family’s tremendous support was key factor to complete my Ph.D. study in time. Once I was back from the IEPP and SNU life, my mind always brings sweet memories of IEPP and SNU life. The knowledge I gained in IEPP and SNU contributes to my professional career a lot. Without a deep knowledge of energy sector and understanding of pressing energy and climate change issues, my professional path would not have gone well.

I strongly recommend and encourage potential candidate of future students of IEPP to apply in IEPP.  Multicultural environment and capable Professors at IEPP/SNU furnished me with a solid academic foundation and skills for my current responsibilities. I am so certain that I would not have been able to step up to my current job and future promotion prospects without the IEPP scholarship I received, as well as the knowledge I gained. I believe this will apply same for current and future students as well.

The skills and knowledge we learned, working generously with students from different backgrounds and cultures, combining the best of competing approaches and strategies, and constantly adapting and achieving precisely from the diversity of our colleagues are rare, however IEPP made it successful and I am sure it will be continues in future years. They are essential, valuable skills in the international business world, but are also of great worth. That could be the unique competitive advantage that IEPP to be continued for next phase. I am desperately want to see the continuation of IEPP.

My sincere regards to all IEPP family members!

Laxman Prasad Ghimire, Ph.D.


 Alternative Energy Promotion Center/Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation- Nepal 

Contact details (email:  laxman.ghimire@gmail.com, Mobile No: +977-985103276)