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A message to IEPP on its 10th Anniversary - Frieski Putra
IEPP 관리자
2020.10.22 12:10

 I A message to IEPP on its 10th Anniversary.           


Happy bday IEPP, may you be soaring until the end of time!!!!


 II.            Why would you recommend the IEPP to future students?

IEPP has a really great program/degree for energy sector practitioners/professionals/public officers even though if the future student doesn't have an academic background in energy sector. It can help you to understand the whole aspect of energy management, energy economics, energy technology and energy for development.


III.            What are the benefits of the IEPP?


The benefits of having IEPP up and running is that we can understand how the South Korean Government successfully implement the energy management and policy in their country. The other thing is that we can learn the best practices, lesson learned, from top of the line professors that have a really deep and rich understanding in energy sector. Professors in IEPP include former vice minister, former government advisor, former energy professionals, and many more. Their knowledge and experience in energy sector really enrich the IEPP program.


IV.            Why you think IEPP should continue? 


IEPP should continue on to educate the future energy sector practitioners/professionals/public officers, so that we can continue on to provide energy that is accessible, sustainable and environmentally friendly. In the other hand IEPP alumni have proven to be an asset for their country, I was surprised when IEPP alumni had been appointed as a Vice Minister of Energy in Mongolia/Kazakhstan and President's Special Advisor in Nigeria.
This means the developing country's government value IEPP alumni as a very resourceful and knowledgeable energy sector  practitioners/professionals/public officers.