  • Introduction
  • Word of the Preident

Word of the Preident

Dear All,

I wish to express my sincere compliments to all IEPP faculty members and IEPPAA. I trust everyone is doing fine, especially in this era of covid-19 pandemic? No doubt, the current happening as regards the global corona virus pandemic has changed our behavior in one way or the other. I want to fundamentally appreciate all IEPP members and especially past students committee for their unity and cooperation.

I do believe that in unitedness, we can achieve the objective and the mandate of IEPPAA, which amongst others are to promote and advance networking and knowledge sharing among members; foster bilateral and multilateral relationship between our countries and the South Korea for mutual benefits and development especially in the energy sector, for all parties.

Though in the past few months, the covid-19 pandemic has changed the way we used to do things, I am strongly of the opinion that with determination and commitment while keeping abreast of the trend and analysis of the current development, we can survive and surmount the threats posed by the corona virus.

Let’s stay safe and also stay connected as we promote IEPPAA together. Thanks.

Best Regards

Matthew Ofuonyebuzor

President, IEPPAA