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the 10th Anniversary of IEPP Vichet Keo
IEPP 관리자
2020.10.30 03:10

- Happy 10th Anniversary, IEPP. I would like to express my sincere thanks for the program and for its efforts in these last ten years. I would like to highly appreciate the sponsor, professors, and everyone in the program for great works.

I would like to recommend the IEPP to future students because:
- It is the best policy program for government officials, from especially developing countries, in the energy sector.
- Since SNU is the leading university in the Republic of Korea, so there is no doubt that the quality of such a program is worldwide recognized.
- All IEPP graduates are competent enough to perform better works in ones’ careers, and they are able to easily pursue future degrees in energy-related fields, in SNU-IEPP again or in other famous educational institutions around the world.

- IEPP brings together government officials from different countries, different or similar expertise so that they can share and learn from each other in energy issues.
- IEPP provides not only full support to the students, but it also gives them chance to cooperate and work together in the fields; not just now but also in ones’ future career.
- All students bring back their countries knowledge in energy-related decision making, best practices from Korea itself, and experiences from other countries.
- IEPP is the starting point for future cooperation in energy business between Korean and respective countries.

- Lacking professionals in energy institutions in each country is still a concern for the future of sustainable development in the energy sector so that I believe IEPP should continue educating more government officials from developing countries.