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the 10th Anniversary of IEPP- Chimedregzen.B
IEPP 관리자
2020.11.01 01:11

Greetings to you all,


My name is Chimedregzen.B from the Energy Regulatory Commission of Mongolia. I have joined IEPP program at Seoul National University in 2019. First of all, I would like to take this excellent opportunity to congratulate our wonderful Professors, specially Professor Heo, Professor Boo, Professor Kim, Professor Lee, and our staff members, colleagues, students and all alumni of IEPP on the 10th anniversary celebration.

It is a great pleasure and honor to be a part of IEPP member here at Seoul National University. Ever since the program was found, IEPP has become a highly recognized program throughout South Korea and many countries around the World.  IEPP has admirably committed itself to teaching to Governments officials from many different nations including Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Nigeria, Cambodia, Indonesia, Myanmar, Kenya etc., and cooperating with various energy related Government and Non-Government organizations. I am very proud of our admirable Professors who always support all students and alumni to gain global knowledge through their teachings and good examples. 

For the Future IEPP students, if you ever come to a decision to study here at SNU through IEPP program, I 100% guarantee you that it will be the best decision you have ever made in your life to join IEPP program. Because you will be able to meet with many great leaders and professionals in the energy field from different countries and obtain global knowledge lectured by our magnificent Professors here at SNU. Once you finish your degree and become an IEPP member, there will be incredible opportunities waiting for you in your career and personal life.

I really hope that IEPP program continues in the future. The reason is it gives great chances for developing countries, and these Government officials will learn tremendous knowledge and experiences here in South Korea, and in the future they will establish and achieve life changing discoveries and innovations in their own countries with the cooperation of South Korean Government and Korean Companies. This is an extraordinary period for IEPP investing on the future development and cooperation to achieve our goals together. I would like to thank all our colleagues and friends and wish you the best and infinite success for your future adventures.